Would I leave you thus? Never!

First of all: Marie did warn you.
Did you believe her? I do not know. But maybe you thought “ah well, how ‘squeee’ can they get anyway?”. Well, the answer has maybe already occured to you. And the answer is: A LOT.
To make you all join us (since my main pleasure is to torture people with what I love) I have made you some links. Don’t go away. Links to small trailers made by the Royal Theatre for our enjoyment. Unfortunately there is one small problem…I can’t link directly to the trailers. So you will have to move down a bit and find the picture under which the word ‘videotrailer’ is mentioned. Ok? Here goes:

Das Rheingold

Die Walküre



And now:
‘Quotes from The Ring that have been following me all day’

-“O Schmerz, O Schmerz” (“Oh pain, oh pain!” Alberich when he realises that the slippery girls from the Rhine will not love him)

-“Lichtsohn du!” (“Son of light, you!” The giant Fasolt to the supreme god Wotan when Wotan tries to cheat Fasolt and his brother of payment. This was sung by the giant Stephen Milling (see picture below) and I had the utter pleasure of experiencing tiny Marie sing this to me in one of the intervals while pointing angrily at my face. We developed this theory of Milling singing so deep that we couldn’t hear all the colours of his voice. And that maybe dogs would be able to hear it all. Or that we would hear them in some platonic heaven where shadows had been replaced by the true shape of things. And of voices.)

“Wo ist Brünnhild, wo die Verbrecherin?” (“Where is Brünnhilde, where is the lawbreaker?” You can hear this in the Walküre trailer. Wotan to his eight valkyrie daughters when he is hunting down the ninth valkyrie, Brünnhilde. Stunningly angry that Wotan ;-))

And then of course, as if you would be spared:


April 27, 2006. Opera, Uncategorized.

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